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Friends are Forever... Nancy Cline Black on the left ~ Tammy on the right. It is impossible that anything so natural and so universal as death, should ever have been designed by Providence... as an Evil to Mankind. Jonathan Swift


Happy Birthday Tammy
We miss you so much!!
Tammy would have turned 43 today - March 29, 2024

Tammy Renee Smith

 Born on March 29, 1981

  Murdered on January 30, 2003

Today you would have turned 42 years old!!
March 29, 2023
We miss you so much!!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy 40th Birthday in Heaven Tammy
We love and miss you so much!

March 29, 2021


Happy Birthday Tammy!!
Sending so much love and...

Tammy would now be an Aunt to 13 of her 4 brothers' kids.  She would have been an awesome aunt and these kids all would have just loved her...

As of November 15, 2023 - Tammy would now
be an Aunt to 16 of her families kids and a great aunt to 1 - soon to be 2 kids

Happy Birthday in Heaven Tammy

Tammy would have turned
34 years old today
Sunday, March 29th, 2015

We Miss You So Much Tammy

Tammy would have turned 33 years old today
Saturday, March 29, 2014


We all know you are looking down on us today, we all love and miss you so  very much Tammy and so wish you were here to celebrate your brother Mike's wedding day (Mike & Jenna), with so much love on what would have been your 32nd birthday, Mom & Ron, Mike & Jenna and Family, Rob & Chris and Family, Steve & Lori and Family, Kevin, and the rest of your family and friends!

Happy 32nd Birthday Tammy!!


  Tammy would have turned 31 years old
Thursday, March 29, 2012 


 Regardless of how old your child is.....  there is nothing more agonizing than when they go missing and cannot be found for either days, weeks, months, or years -- it is just horrible!!!  In some cases, they are found alive and well, but for those that are never found or found brutally murdered --- it is total devastation and beyond comprehension for their parents, a huge part of them dies the moment they find out what has happened to their child/children.

My heart goes out to any parents, family, and friends that have to endure this horrific journey, with heartfelt sympathy, Deb Baker ~ Angel Tammy's Mom





 Missing for 2 months and 1 day - Tammy was found on Friday, March 28, 2003, by a man who was enjoying a ride on his 4-wheeler, it was one of the first nice days of spring that year and one day before what was to be her 22nd birthday......

Saturday, March 29, 2003.

This is the cross that was placed on the side of
the dirt road where Tammy was murdered.........

The woods in the background are part of a NY State Forrest.


 The sign on the cross above reads as follows:





 A child that loses a parent is an orphan,

A man who loses his wife is a widower,

A woman who loses her husband is a widow,

There is no name for a parent that loses a child,

For there are NO Words to describe the Pain!!



POMC Murder Victim Memorial Ribbon on an Angel Bear
Parents of Murdered Children -

The red represents the violence in society

The black symbolizes death and mourning

Angel pins are worn with the ribbons to symbolize the victims




Hope You Enjoy the Music that is Playing...

 Tammy's favorite songs at the time of her death were the song  "Picture" by Kid Rock and Cheryl Crowe. Her favorite religious song was "Amazing Grace". 



 There is not a moment in the day that I do not long for you to be here



Back of Tammy's headstone - September 2008

The back of her headstone reads as follows:

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