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Tammy's Gravesite

Tammy is buried in Forrest Hills Cemetery

Belmont, NY



This is the cover of the slideshow presentation that Mom

did for the sentencing of Walter Joseph Lynch (Joe)

He was sentenced to 20 years to life with no appeals

for 2nd degree murder on November 5, 2004

He is eligible for parole in January 2023



 Her headstone was designed by Mom



Front of Tammy's Headstone


Her prairie dog Daisey in the sand on left, then her turtle Vinnie going towards the water, the girl represents Tammy - she is wearing the wrap around that she bought at Walt Disney World in Florida (we went July 2002)


Two beach chairs represent her and her boyfriend (Darin) of 6 years

The umbrella has her favorite colors - green and light blue

Her cat Smokey is napping behind one chair and

her 2 kittens playing behind the other.

There are 2 dolphins jumping in the background - her favorite animal

and she loved tropical beaches and warm weather...




This was taken by Tammy's now 15 year old niece - Courtney

September 2008




Back of Tammy's Headstone

This was also taken September 2008 by Courtney






A collage Mom made.....






This is for National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims

held by Parents of Murdered Children - POMC


September 25th of each year

Mom holds a Balloon Release on the Sunday of, before or after

the 25th in Memory of Tammy and

all murder victims in the area where Tammy lived





Devin is Darin's daughter




Tammy's niece and nephew

As of today's date, September 27, 2008

There are 2 more neices that will never get to meet their Aunt Tammy


Marty Lisek February 26, 2025
I am Joe's 2nd ex wife
First of all, I just wanted to let you know how very sorry I am for your loss. I live in Alabama (I was born in the northeast but got over that), and learned of Joe's transgressions right after he had committed them. I was 9 weeks pregnant when I left Joe and came home. Joe pointed a gun at my feet and pulled the trigger. It was loaded. He claimed that he did not know that it was loaded. Gun safety 101 is that you NEVER point a barrel of a gun to someone that you do not intend to kill. He missed my foot by an inch. Our relationship was hanging by a thread at that point regardless. That was the breaking point. To say that his release has triggered PTSD is an understatement. Him almost shooting me is just the worst of it. There were numerous transgressions that proceeded it. I dont regret my relationship with him at all. It gave me the person that I love, and will always love above all others. Our son. Please know that joe had no hand in raising our son, or his first wife Darcy's. They are both exceptional young men with so much to offer to this world. I remember that while i lived there, Joseph would come for visitation with his father. He was a delightful little boy that has grown into a wonderful young man. Our son Jacob is nothing like Joe. He is a wonderful and present husband and father, and to my  knowledge has never been physical with a woman. If he was, I would let him face the consequences unlike Joe's motherl. I let him know what his sperm donor did.  He has always said that if he ever met Joe, the first thing he would do is punch him in the face. Im pretty sure that the second thing he would do is to make it so that Joe cant breath without mechanical ventilation if you know what i mean.  Joe is terrible. I will not refute that in the least. I bought  20 dollars in Jpay (basically prison stamps) just so that I could tell him what a piece of shit he was. Then when he told me he has prostate cancer and pulled the woe is me bullshit, I let him have it. I work in healthcare. I have for over 20 years. Maybe 15 years ago I would have fallen for this bullshit, but not now. And, you are not my patient. I unloaded on him with 15 years of pent up dealing with bullshit. Pretty sure I took screenshots of it because it felt so good. HMU if you want them. Plus,  with my psychology background i metaphorically took a stick to his knee caps and made him feel like a piece of shit just because i could, it was fun for me, and he deserves it. I didnt even spend the whole 20 dollars, but i consider it an investment that was well worth it. I can be incredibly brutal verbally. I dont know if my PTSD rant and general assholery makes you feel better, but trust me it should. I know Joe, and I know psychology, and the mental stabs are incrediby harder to heal. Just know that sticking an emotional knife in him makes me heal just a little bit more, and makes his emotional state just a little bit worse. Please feel free to contact me. I pray for your family daily.

Joshua sturdevant July 7, 2013
Foever in my heart
That piece of shit will never see the outside of prisonwalls as long as i live that is my promise to u tammy. He almost got me an my familly not long after he took u...   LOVE Joshua

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