angel im sorry i couldn't wish you an early happy birthday! the computers want working right. but i said that pray and it was for you every day when ali & papa come over , i think of what our house would be like with all 3 you guys running all over the place![hehe]

it would be like the 3 little rascles. you know what i mean. the kids at school are really crazy.. but u can see how it all goes down

there very dumb. in school about 2 day ago im one of the students who has to pass the Science state test. If i do that [which i am] my class gets a party,, i really don't want too. cause why should i pass something, so they can get a party! i know how much fun it is in heaven.

. on new years i thought of u n i wish you were hear to spend that day with us. theres not a day when i wake up n not think of you n mario! i will talk to you n mario after school, because i have to go to bed. i love and misss youh both dearly>33